
COVID-19 and the Economy

May 7, 2020

During this seminar, Close Up’s Joe Geraghty discusses the impact of COVID-19 on the Economy with Arlington County Board Member, Christian Dorsey.  Christian discuss the role of local and federal government in helping people and businesses affected by the pandemic and social distancing policies. 

Christian Dorsey was elected to the Arlington County Board in 2015.  He served as the Board Chair for two years. Christian also represented Arlington on the board of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) for several years.  Christian is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG), and a member of the Transportation Planning Board (TPB). Equally rewarding have been the many opportunities that Christian has had to serve our Arlington community as a volunteer, which have included serving on the boards of directors of the Arlington Free Clinic, A-SPAN, Leadership Center for Excellence, and Arlington Independent Media, and serving on County Board advisory commissions. Outside of public service, Mr. Dorsey engages as a policy and communications consultant supporting progressive organizations in realizing their missions.